
Do you want to do something different? Something that will change your life forever?

Take part in “Cors Blaus”, the volunteer project of Fundació Junts Autisme and help us to improve the lives and futures of people with autism and their families.

Volunteering is a vital element in the functioning of our organisation. Without the regular collaboration of volunteers we would not be able to offer many of the services we offer. Public administration resources for people with autism are very limited and families cannot always afford the costs involved in the care and services their children need. This is why volunteering is essential for organisations such as ours. It is vital to be able to count on their collaboration and help in the different departments and services.

What does “Cors Blaus” consist of?

“Cors Blaus” was born five years ago as a dynamic and very complete programme, in which the volunteer experiences first hand the different areas of work within the foundation, actively participating in the work of the professional team, in the decision making and in the proposal of initiatives.

On the other hand, people who work with people with autism need to have specific knowledge about this condition, to know the characteristics of the person with autism and what support they need.

For this reason “Cors Blaus” offers volunteers:

  • Training,
  • Follow-up
  • Evaluation

The training consists of:

  • General training on autism
  • Situation management
  • Specialisation per assigned work group. For this last training we take into account the needs of the people with autism with whom we will work and the interest or needs of the volunteer.

When we organise activities in collaboration with other organisations, for example inclusive leisure activities, we activate the volunteer training protocol for the professional team of these organisations that are in contact with people with autism.

What are we looking for in our volunteering?

Enthusiasm, commitment, ethics, generosity and professionalism are some of the values shared by the volunteers who collaborate with the Junts Autisme Foundation. Committed people, often with a personal link to autism, who offer their support to the organisation’s professional team and who become, alongside them, positive references for the beneficiaries and their families.

Volunteers enrich the day-to-day work of the organisation’s team, contributing their experience and personalities, adding value to the services we offer and to the spirit of the organisation. His experience, initiative and talent help us to grow and improve.

We are looking for people who would like to participate in our projects to support people with autism and/or their families by carrying out and collaborating with the following:

  • Psychoeducational intervention activities specialising in autism
  • Awareness-raising initiatives
  • Leisure activities
  • Day-to-day management activities of the entity
  • Training of professionals

What is the academic/professional profile of the volunteers of Fundació Junts Autisme?

We do not have a specific defined profile. The most important thing for us is that the person interested wants to be part of the human team of the organisation and feels identified with our mission, vision and values. In short, the cause that kills her is the same as ours.

Some of the usual profiles of the volunteers of the foundation are:

  • Psychologists
  • Social workers
  • Sociologists
  • Educators or teachers
  • Monitors or educators or those who wish to specialise in autism
  • Social integrators
  • Occupational therapists
  • People with the desire to help regardless of their training, for leisure activities or events.
  • Students who are doing their internships at the institution.

If you need more information about how to volunteer with us, please write to us at: [email protected]
or call us by phone: 931 808 926.


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