Supporting the transition to adult life
For more than six years, the organisation has been running a project to support people with autism in their transition to adult life. Specific intervention and support begins at the beginning of adolescence, around the age of 13-14, and is gradually introduced according to the needs and characteristics of each person.
This project was named:
Independent Living Space Project (EVI Project)
With the EVI Project, we support the transition to adulthood for people with autism, so that they can develop the maximum degree of autonomy from the beginning of adolescence, a period of very strong changes and transformations for the person.
Adolescence is a difficult time for anyone, but the adolescent with autism and his or her family will face even greater difficulties and challenges. All the learning and experiences of this period will determine the level of autonomy the person will be able to achieve in the future. It also affects the degree of social inclusion and participation in their community environment.
The EVI Project promotes the acquisition of pre-employment skills and active participation in inclusive environments. The project takes into account the 8 dimensions of Schalock and Verdugo’s concept of “Quality of Life”, which is necessary as a basic condition for the meaningful development of all people at every stage of their life cycle. (Schalock and Verdugo 2002/2003).
In programming the interventions, supports and activities included in the project, we focus on the individual interests, preferences, strengths and needs of each beneficiary, bearing in mind that these may vary and evolve throughout the person’s life cycle. Thus, personal support is also assessed on the basis of individual needs.

The 8 competences we develop within the EVI project are:
Physical wellbeing for people with autism.
A person’s physical wellbeing depends mainly on a good diet and regular physical activity appropriate to their body and abilities. In the EVI project we work very closely on these two aspects.
As far as food is concerned, we work on independent and healthy eating, with all that this daily activity entails: planning and shopping, cleaning and preparing food, the correct use of kitchen utensils and electrical appliances, laying the table, etc.
In order to maintain a good physical condition, the beneficiaries practise different sports according to their preferences and abilities, all in an inclusive environments, such as gymnastics, swimming, climbing and basketball.
They also benefit from an osteopathic and nutritional assessment service once a month.

Emotional wellbeing for people with autism.
To improve and support emotional wellbeing, the boys and girls attend yoga and mantra sessions once a week. These are taught by specialised professionals. Yoga and relaxation techniques are used to improve posture, balance, flexibility and breathing, increasing awareness of one’s own body.
Paid work, responsibility, a daily routine and the fact of being in contact with other people are also key elements of good emotional health. The saying “work is dignity” also applies to people with autism. They too have the right to work, to feel useful and included. They have the right to a meaningful and dignified life.
The beneficiaries of the EVI Project carry out pre-employment activities that will facilitate their access to the labour market in the future. A dignified and paid job means autonomy and independence. Some of the pre-employment activities include specific catering tasks in restaurants in the community. They also work in a pastry shop as assistants to the pastry chef, where they learn to make cakes and sweets that are sold in the same bakery. The young people also help with the administrative work of the foundation.
They regularly work in craft workshops organised in the organisation’s facilities, where the young people produce handmade products that are later sold in local shops. All profits from the sale of these products go towards the participants’ personal expenses.
Personal development for people with autism.
This is the area where we carry out the psycho-educational intervention sessions specialised in autism. On a monthly basis, we review the intervention goals for each beneficiary taking into account their needs and interests. With the Neuronup programme, specific work is done on cognitive aspects.
Interpersonal relationships for people with autism.
Within the project we promote interpersonal relationships so that the young people can develop a sense of community that will support them in the future. The people around them know them and are a reference for them. All the activities we do take place in inclusive settings. The beneficiary must maintain regular human relations with different people and in different environments.
The person’s privacy is respected at all times, taking into account their age and privacy.

Social inclusion for people with autism.
We are committed to making regular use of community resources for all of our activities, whether they are sports, pre-work, exercise or leisure activities. This includes the use of community facilities, public transport, local shops, leisure services, etc. Before using any service or space, the aids and tools are prepared to facilitate the understanding of the environment and accessibility.
To promote this social inclusion, we also go on regular group outings. Four times a year we go for three days and two nights to a beautiful and interesting place for young people, where we do different activities that include fun and leisure, but also learning. The young people meet and share their daily lives for three days.
Self-determination for people with autism.
We give people the opportunity to choose between different options for any activity or intervention we do. This is essential in promoting their self-determination. If beneficiaries make a request of their own free will, this is encouraged as much as possible, as it is essential to respect their choices and preferences.
If you would like more information about the adult care service we offer at the organisation, you can write to us at: [email protected]
or call us on: 931 808 926.
These are the services we offer Fundació Junts Autisme to
accompany and support people with autism and their families.