Personal assistance
Fundació Junts Autisme is proud to be the first organization officially accredited by the Department of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya to provide the essential Personal Assistance Service for integration and support, along with accompaniment for individuals with autism in Catalonia. Since its inception in 2017, this service has been a cornerstone of our global project, reflecting our commitment to the well-being and inclusion of those we serve. This accreditation marks a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance the lives of individuals with autism in Catalonia.
According to data from the Ministry of Social Affairs in Madrid, 100 people in Catalonia have access to personal assistance services. In Fundació Junts Autisme, 20 people with autism have this service.
“A personal assistant is a person who helps another to develop their life”
Rodríguez-Picavea, A y Romañach J. (2006).
The personal assistant is a support, a help for people who, due to their condition or situation, be it a functional diversity or any other reason, cannot develop or carry out daily tasks by themselves. The personal assistant carries out these tasks or helps the beneficiary to carry them out, assists so that the beneficiary can carry them out by himself/herself.
The personal assistant provides the individual with the necessary tools to develop an independent life, which guarantees real control of their life. The personal assistant allows the beneficiary to make decisions, even if they are wrong. It allows the person to develop his life within his community environment, being part and participating in it. A formula that dignifies the person by avoiding marginalization and exclusion, favoring the inclusion of the person in society and, therefore, exercising their rights as a citizen.
At the foundation we have the best professional and human team to accompany people with autism who need this service. A professional team that offers them the specialised support they need to organise their daily lives, promote self-determination across different aspects and engage with their community of reference. A professional team that works to ensure that the beneficiary has access to an independent, happy, dignified and meaningful life.
The foundation will also provide training for third sector professionals in personal assistance specialising in autism. We put our experience and knowledge at the service of the community by promoting the employability of people in our environment, thus contributing to improving the training and qualifications of social service professionals.
The figure of the personal assistant for people with autism
It favors and benefits different areas of the person’s life.
It serves to guarantee equal rights and opportunities. The right of all people to live in a community that respects the “Law of Equal Opportunities, Non-Discrimination and Universal Accessibility for People with Disabilities” (LIONDAU) i la “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” (CDPD) of the ONU.
It liberates women from the traditional role of primary caregiver. It offers freedom and emancipation to people who are discriminated against because of their functional diversity. It puts the person at the centre and provides them with the necessary support, adapted to their reality and needs, so that they can take control of their lives.
Increases direct recruitment with very low administrative costs. A source of flexible and professional social work, with a very attractive human component. Adaptable to the socio-cultural context of the area and to the specific needs of society and the individual.
For government, it is more efficient and effective than other care services such as institutions and residential homes. For families, it represents a very significant reduction in the cost of caring for their offspring.
It is very important to emphasise that the person with functional diversity always has the last word; they have the right to decide within this working relationship, between themselves and the figure of the personal assistant. The latter is a figure of self-help, and the action is always initiated and decided by the person receiving the service, within their capacities. If this is not possible, it is done by those closest to them and who know them best, usually their family.
*(Study carried out by the Foro de Vida Independiente: “Personal assistance: An investment in rights; an efficient investment in employment” (VV.AA, 2009)
If you would like more information about the personal assistance service we offer at the organisation, you can write to us at: [email protected] or call us on 931 808 926.
These are the services we offer Fundació Junts Autisme to
accompany and support people with autism and their families.