Why collaborate?

Why collaborate with Fundació Junts Autisme?

The Fundació Junts Autisme is an organisation formed by the families of people with autism. It operates and is supported by donations from individuals and legal entities, as well as the co-payment of families for the different services we offer to their sons and daughters.

However, this income is not enough to do everything we do and to achieve our goals of reaching as many people as possible. We do not want the financial factor to be an obstacle for a person with autism and their family to receive the best possible care. In order to provide the services we offer to the beneficiaries and their families, we need more economic, material and human resources.

Thanks to the support of individuals, private foundations, public administration, companies and other external bodies, we have been able to reach this point, but we need you, we need you to continue.

Would you like to collaborate with us? Here are the options we offer you to do so.

Share your most precious treasure with us. Your time.

One of the best gifts you can give is your time.

If you want to learn about autism and share unforgettable moments with children, young people and adults with ASD. If you want to put your experience and knowledge at the service of these wonderful people who need you and have a lot of fun at the same time… Don’t think twice!

Join M’Apunto, Fundació Junts Autisme’s volunteer programme, and help people with autism and their families.

Help us every day of the year. Join the Junts Autisme family.

By becoming a member, you support our project 365 days a year and change the lives of many people.

With an annual subscription of €80 or a quarterly subscription of €20, you will support the organisation’s global project throughout the year and contribute to the stability and future of the foundation. We will keep you up to date with the latest news about the organisation and the activities in which you can participate. Join us on this journey to improve the lives of people with autism.

Did you know that your membership fee is tax deductible? We will explain it to you!

Big or small, your donation means a lot to us.

It all adds up and your donation will help us more than you can imagine. Whatever the amount, it will make a difference.

Thanks to spontaneous donations from people like you, we are able to increase the range and variety of services we offer, maintain the highest quality, develop and improve every day. Your support is essential to keep our project moving forward.

What’s more, your contribution will cost you very little. You can deduct up to 80% of your donation.

Do you have a business and want to get involved with a good cause? Help us make autism visible.

There’s a lot you can do.

Together we can contribute to create a fairer and more inclusive society for people with autism. Together we can go much further. The possibilities of collaboration are many: from offering help with your professional services in the different projects of the organisation to giving job opportunities to our young people.

There’s a lot to do. It’s all about getting on. Shall we talk?

You can continue to improve the quality of life and the future of people with autism after you have passed away.

Include Fundació Junts Autisme in your will.

If you want your legacy to continue to build a fairer and more inclusive society, if you want to continue to improve the lives of many people and make them happy even after you are no longer here, the Solidarity Will may be an option for you.

Give continuity to your solidarity and help create a dignified future for people with autism.

Solidarity has no limits. There are many other ways to help.

The needs of a foundation like ours are very large and varied.

That’s why we have developed other ways of collaborating that cover other aspects, such as spreading the word, raising awareness and disseminating information. Collaborations that help our beneficiaries, but also contribute to making autism visible and thus help many other people outside the Fundació Junts Autisme.

If you have an idea of how you can help and can’t find it here, we’d love to hear from you! Write to us at: [email protected]
or call us on 931 808 926.

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