Documents for professionals

Dissemination and information documents on autism and areas of intervention, inclusion and support.

About Autism

Guide to the Personal Assistant Service Specialised in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
This document, published by Autismo Ávila with the support of the Social Services of Castilla y León and the La Caixa Foundation, explains the figure of the Personal Assistant, the services that a person with autism can receive from the Personal Assistant, the need for specialisation and the role of both the family and the person with autism. Download

Autism spectrum disorders and the treatment of them.
Document explaining the position of the Council of the Col-legi de Metges de Catalunya on ASD and its treatment, in response to the emergence of various pseudosciences that may lead to false beliefs of cure and/or the administration of substances harmful to the organism. Download

Descriptions of the first cases of autism diagnosed by Leo Kanner in 1943. Download

Strategies for Improving Sleep in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
A guide for families published by Autism Speaks to help improve sleep for people with ASD at home, based on the research and clinical experience of experts in sleep and autism. Strategies for improving sleep in children with autism spectrum disorders. Suggestions may help the person with ASD sleep better or improve their sleep/wake schedule. Download

Autism in the first year. Article by Isabel Paula and Josep Artigas Pallarés.
Information on some of the symptoms of autism that can be observed in infants between the ages of 6 and 12 months, and which, although of limited diagnostic interest, provide very valuable information for understanding autism in the context of neurodevelopmental disorders. Download

People with autism spectrum disorder – identification, understanding and intervention.
A guide published by Autism Europe providing information on autism from diagnosis to support across the lifespan. Download

One autism, multiple autisms. Phenotypic variability in autism spectrum disorders – Amaia Hervás.
Article on the heterogeneity of autism. Aspects related to the development of symptoms: gender, comorbidity, age and aetiology determine the variability in the clinical presentation of ASD. Download

ESCAP Autism Practice Guideline: Summary of evidence-based recommendations for diagnosis and management – Joaquín Fuentes, Amaia Hervás, Patricia Howlin (ESCAP Autism Working Group) – European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
Summary of current information on autism, focusing on the means of detection, diagnosis and treatment. Download

Scientific Evidence for Sensory Integration as an Occupational Therapy Approach in Autism – Alejandra J. Abelenda, Ekaine Rodríguez Armendariz.
This article briefly presents the theoretical-practical background of Ayres’ Sensory Integration and its application in ASD. Historical criticisms that support sensory integration as a therapeutic intervention are reviewed. Download

Autism Europe
Autism Europe (AE) is an international network of around 90 national, regional and local organisations from 38 countries representing people with ASD and their families. AE’s main objective is to promote their rights in order to improve their quality of life and promote inclusion. Based in Brussels, it provides an effective link between its members, European and international institutions and other related associations

This document provides guidance on several key aspects, from diagnosis to lifelong support, with the aim of promoting an evidence-based and rights-based approach to autism, in line with the social model of disability and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It aims to make evidence-based data from European and international research available to the general public in order to promote a better understanding of autism and, in turn, have a positive impact on the lives of people with ASD. Download

Autism and the family

Autism, a Grandparent’s Guide – Autism Speaks.
A guide designed specifically for grandparents of children with autism that can help you learn about autism and its impact on the family, discover ways to support your child (parent of a child with autism), discover ways to develop a better relationship with your grandchildren, and get emotional support. Download

The impact of a child with autism on the family – Dr Francesc Cuxart and Mrs Lidia Fina.
A guide specially designed for grandmothers and grandfathers of children with autism, which can help to learn about autism and its impact on the family, discover ways to support the child (parent of the child with autism), discover ways to develop a better relationship with the grandchildren, receive emotional support. Download

A child with autism in the family – University of Salamanca.
Basic guide for families who have received a diagnosis of autism in their son or daughter. Download

“I am like you” – FEAPS Madrid.
Guide that explains functional diversity and invites people to relate to people with intellectual disabilities in an open and enriching way for everyone. Download

Autism and education

I learn in the break – Natalia de Francisco Nielfa.
Guide developed by Autismo Sevilla to develop the social skills of students with ASD in an educational environment. Download

Intervention guide for students with autism.
Guide developed by Autismo Castilla y León to help us understand the educational needs of students with ASD and few support needs. Download

Bullying and Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Guide to action for teachers and families, edited and revised by Autismo España, to identify and stop bullying situations and to help and support the victims. Download

Guide for the Integration of Pupils with ASD in Primary Education – Mª del Mar Gallego Matellán.
Guide published with the support of the University Institute of Community Integration of the University of Salamanca to attend in an efficient, inclusive, accurate and sufficient way to students with ASD. Download

Transition from Primary to Secondary – Patricia Thorpe.
This guide is aimed at educational professionals to help students with ASD make the transition from primary to secondary school and can also be very useful for families. Download

Other professional documents

You can also find a lot of information on the website of the Confederación Autismo España and, in particular, in the guides developed by its Research and Dissemination Department. The following guides are available.

Quality of Life Collection:

  • “Yo también decido”. Practical guide for people with autism spectrum disorder and high support needs to make decisions about their lives’. Download
  • “Quality of life and autism spectrum disorder”. The higher the quality of support, the better the life behind it’. Download


Collection of communication and social images:

  • “A Handbook of Style. How to approach autism spectrum disorder in the media”. Download


Rights Collection:

  • “An easy-to-read guide for people with autism spectrum disorder and their families. Making decisions that protect our rights”. Download


Education Collection:

  • “School bullying and autism spectrum disorder. An action guide for teachers and families. Download
  • Guide for students: Responsible and safe use of ICT for students with autism spectrum disorder”. Download
  • Teachers’ guide: ‘Responsible and safe use of ICT with students on the autism spectrum”. Download


Work Collection:

  • “Employment and Autism Spectrum Disorder. An undiscovered potential”. Download
  • “Vocational guidance for people with autism spectrum disorder”. Download


Active ageing collection:

  • “How to secure my peace of mind. A practical guide to promoting legal security for older people with autism spectrum disorder and their families”. Download
  • Guardianship trusts. An alternative to promote legal security for people with autism spectrum disorder”. Download
  • “Ageing and Autism Spectrum Disorder. An invisible vital stage”. Download


Collection on innovation and social change:

  • “Gender equality plan. A practical guide to implementing the equality plan in organisations”. Download


Health collection:

  • “Taking care of my health. A practical guide to promoting the health of older people with autism spectrum disorder”. Download
  • “Palliative care for people with autism spectrum disorder”. Download
  • “Emotional Wellbeing in Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Childhood and adolescence”. Download



  • “Cognitive accessibility. Understanding the environment”. Download
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