Become a member

Join the Fundació Junts Autisme family. Become a member.

Fundació Junts Autisme is an organisation founded by families of people with autism. Our social base, made up of friends, relatives and people close to the Foundation, is essential for us to continue to work and improve the quality of life and the future of people with autism and their families.

Annual membership fees are very important to us because they are regular economic contributions that give us stability and allow us to programme services and activities from one year to the next, thus guaranteeing the continuity of what we offer.

They also legitimise our work and strengthen us as an organisation in the eyes of public bodies, third sector institutions, charities, foundations and society in general.

With an annual contribution of €80, you help us to ensure:

  • A stable income that allows us to maintain the quality and diversity of our services.
  • Be proactive and plan for the future.
  • Maintain affordable rates for families and help those in vulnerable economic situations, thus guaranteeing universal access to these services, leaving no one  behind.
  • A Today and a happy, stable and dignified tomorrow for the Foundation’s beneficiaries.

Once you have joined the Junts Autisme family, you will receive the following from us:

  • Regular information of interest on autism.
  • Information about the activities we organise in which you can take part (training, leisure activities, yoga, etc.).
  • Annual reports of the association where you will be able to see where and how we invest your help.
  • Tax advantages

    Do you want to become a member?

    Fill in the following fields:


    Everyone wins with solidarity

    Reform of the Law on Sponsorship. New developments and fiscal incentives

    On 19th December the Council of Ministers approved Royal Decree-Law 6/2023, which amends the sponsorship law that has been in force for over 21 years. This reform directly affects donations and deductions. It was published in the BOE on 20 December and will come into force on 1 January 2024.

    This means that the tax authorities will reimburse you a higher percentage of the donations you make and will also reward your loyalty to the organisation if you collaborate with us continuously for three years or more, thus increasing the deduction percentage.

    What are the tax benefits of the new Sponsorship Law?

    Micro-sponsorship will be encouraged with increased deductions.

    For individuals, the base for deducting 80% of the IRPF donation will be increased from €150 to €250, and the remainder will be deductible at 40% (instead of the previous 35%). For companies, the corporate tax deduction will also increase from 35% to 40%. In both cases, long-term sponsorship is rewarded.

    If you are an individual…

    Percentage of deduction based on the contribution made in the tax year in which you file your income tax return and subsequent years.

    If you have been donating to the Fundació Junts Autisme for more than 3 years, your donation will be increased to 45%.

    Let’s explain it with an example:

    If you donate €250:

    Your expenses are €50 (the tax office will refund you €200)

    This means that you will deduct 80%.

    If you are a company…

    Percentage of deduction based on the contribution made in the tax year in which you file your corporate tax return and subsequent years.

    Check the tax regulations of your place of residence or your company’s tax domicile; different tax deductions may apply.

    * If you have donated more than €250 for 3 consecutive years, as long as the amount donated in the current year and the previous year is equal to or greater than the amount donated in the immediately preceding year.
    ** If you have donated for 3 consecutive years, the amount in each year must be equal to or greater than the amount in the previous year to benefit from the indicated increase in the deduction.

    Request your tax deduction certificate here administració indicating the phone number you provided when you became a member and your ID number.

    Other advantages of the New Sponsorship Law

    Read more

    With this tax improvement, we win everything

    Read more

    With this tax relief, which box do I have to fill in my tax return in order to deduct my economic collaboration with the Fundació Junts Autisme?

    Read more

    If you would like more information on how to make a donation, please write to us at administració or call us on 931 808 926.

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